How to export a model from Blender to Decentraland Builder
Metaverse’s and Decentraland are all the craze right now but if you’re a creator it’s not clear how you can actually create in this virtual world. In this tutorial I will explore the basics of importing your 3D model from Blender to Decentraland Builder.
- Create your model.
Start by creating your model, take into consideration the triangle count limitation for models is 10,000 triangles.
2. Export your model to gLTF.
3. Visit Decentraland Builder and login with Metamask.
4. Create and name a new scene and open the editor.
5. Select “+” next to Asset Packs on the right panel.
6. Upload the file you just saved in Blender.
7. Name your asset pack and give it a category.
8. Find your asset and select it to import it.
9. You have successfully imported your Blender model into Decentraland Builder. Explore your scene by selecting the preview icon next to the download scene icon.
10. You’ll notice that in the model you’ve imported has no physics, and you can walk directly through it. We’re going to change that.
11. To make your model opaque, we’re going to add a transparent wall from the toolbox in the asset packs panel.
12. Select the block and align in inside your imported model with the toggle arrows tool.
13. You have now imported your model and have added collision physics to make your model more realistic.
If you have any questions or comments on this tutorial feel free to reach out to me at my twitter.